Instructor Development
Become a PADI professional with PADI's Instructor Development Course at Sam’s Tours. At Sam’s we do not train instructors, we train the best professionals on the market.
Train with the best
• We guarantee small groups to create an effective learning environment.
• We use state-of-the-art teaching equipment (PC, LCD projector, powerpoint presentations, audiovisuals, etc.) to enhance training.
• We use the latest PADI materials and techniques to qualify you for a position in the top dive centers in the world.
• Our facility is designed to provide you with the most optimal learning environment. Our confined and open water sites are only a few steps away from the classroom.
Course Details
2 days IDC Preparation (Dive Theory & Skill review and examinations)
8 days IDC program
Two days Emergency First Responder Instructor (EFRI) program (available only in Option 2)
IDC Certificate of Completion – (upon successful completion of IDC) required to attend the Instructor Examination
EFRI Certification (available only in Option 2)
Course Director support during Instructor Examination (IE)
A minimum of 5 classroom teaching presentations
A minimum of 3 confined water dives sessions (presenting at least 2 skills in each)
A minimum of 3 open water dives sessions ( presenting at least 2 skills in each)
Professional career advice
Counseling and assistance
Unlimited use of study facilities
Course Outline
+ General
The program orientation conducted at the start of the program will outline all activities and requirements. Each candidate will be individually counseled at the end of the program as to how they have performed in regard to attending an instructor examination.
+ IDC Preparation
During the first three days, you will be reviewing the dive theory segments that you have covered during your online theory session, as well as practicing skills demonstration. The purpose of these reviews is to make sure you are confident enough with the information to be able to teach them to your students once you become an instructor.
+ Academic Modules
Using your IDC online option you will be covering 7 presentations with the relative knowledge reviews prior to attend the IDC program. During the 8 days of the IDC, you will go through another 14 presentations from your Course Director that will complete the 21 needed for the IDC.
+ Academic Teaching
You will participate in a workshop designed to accustom you to preparing and giving academic presentations. The workshop will demonstrate a presentation method called Prescriptive Teaching. During the program you will deliver at least 4 presentations using this style, after which you will be evaluated on each and suggestions will be given for improvement.
+ Confined Water Teaching
In this section you will be shown how to prepare confined water presentations. This will involve briefing, demonstration, problem solving, controlling the group and de-briefing. You will be given a demonstration of how to conduct a confined water presentation by one of the staff. You will give at least 4 confined water presentations during the program. During your presentations you will be in charge of a number of ‘students’ (other IDC candidates) who will mimic problems that real students do.
+ Open Water Teaching
This section is conducted the same as Confined Water Teaching with the only difference being that you are not required to perform the demonstration for the students again in Open Water. Similarly you will give at least 2 open water presentations (consisting of 2 skills in each presentation) during the program.
+ Water Skills
During the program you will go over the 24 skills from the Divemaster skill circuit to ensure you are comfortable with your demonstrations. Your rescue skills will also be practiced in the Rescue Workshop.